Intergraph CAESAR II software untuk menganalisa response struktur dan juga pipe stress sesuai dengan kode dan standard internasional. CAESAR II adalah tolak ukur / patokan untuk analisa pipe stress sebagai pembanding bagi software lainnya.
CAESAR II juga dapat digunakan dengan software Finite element analysis dari paulin reasearch group
Nozzle pro untuk finite element analysis.
Data Input
CAESAR II dipermudah untuk anda memasukkan data data piping system analysis model. input dapat di akses ataupun di atur sekehendak kita untuk masing masing elemen, atau anda dapat melakukan perubahan menyeluruh dengan menggunakan dataset.
Cutting-edge Graphics
The CAESAR II input graphics module makes quick work of developing analysis models while clearly indicating areas of concern and providing an excellent idea of the piping system’s flexibility. Color-coded stress models and animated displacements for any stress load case are available.
Design Tools and Wizards
Tools and wizards for tasks such as creating expansion loops or viewing plant models in the analysis space help bridge the gap between knowledge and experience. Such tools take the guess work out of producing accurate analysis and recommending practical design changes.
Analysis Options
Besides the evaluation of a piping system’s response to thermal, deadweight and pressure loads, CAESAR II analyzes the effects of wind,support settlement, seismic loads and wave loads.
Nonlinear effects such as support lift off, gap closure and friction are also included. CAESAR II also selects the proper springs for supportingsystems with large vertical deflections. Dynamic analysis capabilities include modal, harmonic, response spectrum and time history analysis.
Error Checking and Reports
The CAESAR II program includes an integrated error checker. This error checker analyzes the user input and checks for consistency from both a “finite element” and “piping” point of view. Reports are clear, accurate concise and fully user definable.
Material and Assemblies Databases
CAESAR II incorporates table look-ups for piping materials and components plus expansion joints, structural steel sections, spring hangers and material properties including allowable stress. This ensures correct datasets are used for each analysis. CAESAR II comes complete with major international piping codes.
Bi-directional Interface with Design
CAESAR II incorporates the industry’s first and only seamless, bi-directional link between CAD plant design and engineering analysis. This link to Intergraph CADWorx® Plant allows the passing of design and analysis data between these packages without data loss.
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